Internal FAQs
- How to share component schemas
- How to create a protected download area?
- How to access an edited version of a story from a release?
- Does Storyblok offer discounts for meetups?
- How to delete a space?
- How to back up your Storyblok space
- Can we export all content stored in Storyblok in just 1 go?
- How to get all unused components?
- How to parse the editable Storyblok comments?
- How to generate routes for Nuxt with Storyblok?
- Which languages codes are available in Storybloks translatable fields?
- Is there a test markdown file I can use for development?
- Where can I find the Data Processing Agreement?
- Can I upload videos to Storyblok?
- Why is the editor running on https?
- Are Storybloks pricing plans per website?
- How can I delete my account?
- Can I use Storyblok for Static Sites?
- How can I use a WYSIWYG editor in Storyblok?
- Why is my plugin name already taken?
- How do you determine what's displayed in a list of "blocks" in the overview?
- Does Storyblok offer NPO discounts?
- How can I change my email?
- How can I change my password?
- How can I embed a CodePen in a site I made with Storyblok?
- Does Storyblok work for a JAMstack blog or website?
- Does Storyblok offer discounts for meetups?
- Am I allowed to use Storybloks free account for commercial websites?
- Can I use Netlify with Storyblok?
- Do I need a hosting to host my site or is Storyblok enough?