Live article:
- How to import a CSV as content entries in Storyblok?
With our Management API you can easily create new content entries and even component definitions. You can read CSV and push each line as a new entry. Below you can find a script that reads as CSV of Posts where each post consists of a title, path, text (multiline), and a category. The script below uses our Universal JS Client and Nodejs to create those entries. Also: you can create a folder in Storyblok to group them inside a Posts folder for example.
You can find the whole example on Github:
const fs = require('fs')
const csvReader = require('fast-csv')
const StoryblokClient = require('storyblok-js-client')
// Initialize the client with the oauth token
const Storyblok = new StoryblokClient({
oauthToken: 'YOUR_OAUTH_TOKEN' // can be found in your My account section
const config = {
spaceId: 'YOUR_SPACE_ID', // can be found in the space settings.
parentFolder: 'YOUR_NUMERIC_FOLDER_ID' // navigate into your folder and copy the id from the URL at <- last one
let stream = fs.createReadStream('demo.csv')
csvReader.fromStream(stream, { headers: true, delimiter: ';' })
.on('data', (line) => {
// one line of csv in here
let story = {
slug: line.path,
name: line.title,
parent_id: config.parentFolder,
content: {
component: 'post',
title: line.title,
text: line.text,
image: line.image,
category: line.category
}`spaces/${config.spaceId}/stories/`, {
}).then(res => {
console.log(`Success: ${} was created.`)
}).catch(err => {
console.log(`Error: ${err}`)
.on('end', () => {
// Done reading the CSV - now we finally create the component with a definition for each field
// we can also skip that and define the content type using the interface at
let component = {
name: "post",
display_name: "Post",
schema: {
title: {
type: "text",
pos: 0
text: {
type: "markdown",
pos: 1
image: {
type: "image",
pos: 2
category: {
type: "text",
pos: 3
is_root: true, // is content type
is_nestable: false // is nestable (in another content type)
}`spaces/${config.spaceId}/components/`, {
}).then(res => {
console.log(`Success: ${} was created.`)
}).catch(err => {
console.log(`Error: ${err}`)